Taking a break from its evil capitalist world conquering Agenda, Amazon has recently dipped its toes into the world of...
If you make music in a home studio and are ready to move on to an audio interface that’s a...
The original Jam was one of a few high profile ‘breakout’ devices back in 2012 when recording on the go...
I’ve had my hands on Apple’s newest tiny tablet for a month now and in that time i’ve used for...
If you search YouTube for the best budget audio interface, theres one model that you won’t see pop up At...
The first thing I thought when popping my shiny new Audio Technica AT2020 out of it’s box was ‘Wow, this doesn’t...
Audiokit Analog Rhythm 909 Analog Rhythm 909 is the 4th release in Audiokit’s series of limited edition apps. Unofficially Modelled...
As a 30-something iOS music maker, the prospect of an 80’s/90’s focussed digital synth for iPad is right up my...
Audiokit House: Mark 1 Review You’ve released one of the best free synth apps on the market, given the the...
Since releasing their first proper paid music production App six years ago, AudioKit have carved out their own niche as...
King of FM is the brand new synth app from Matthew Fecher and Audiokit. The long awaited follow up to...
AudioKit developer Matthew Fecher knows a thing or two about creating interesting iOS instruments. From capturing the nostalgic feel of...
Audiokit developer Matthew Fecher had a dream. An iOS Synth that captures the nostalgic feel of the golden age of...
Great sounding Synth Apps are not exactly few and far between on iOS right now. Companies like Moog, Korg and...
Audiokit VHS Synth Review Nostalgia is powerful. If you’re old enough to remember when MTV actually showed music videos, when...
Audiomodern Loopmix Review Audiomodern are renowned for creating some of the most interesting and exciting effect plugins on the market....
Atmospheric, cinematic, unique and bonkers are all words i’d use to describe Baby Audio’s latest iOS App release, Atoms Synthesizer. ...
Packed with all the controls you need to craft some huge delay sounds, Baby Audio Comeback Kid is definitely an...
Behringer UPhoria UM2 Review The Behringer UPhoria UM2 has been one of the most requested reviews on this website. For...
It’s easy to forget that BLEASS haven’t been around that long. Founded in 2018, they’ve so far released some stellar...
The latest plug in from the folks at Blue Cat Audio, Destructor is an amp modeling and saturation tool that...
Comeback Kid is the latest plugin from now LA based effect aficionados Baby Audio – the same Baby Audio who...
Focusrite have broken with convention for the 4th generation of their hugely popular Scarlett 2i2 audio interface. Not only have...
It wasn’t so long ago that the word ‘update’ struck fear into the heart of many a Garageband user. Back at...
Finally – After YEARS of being left out in the cold, Apple have released a brand new update to GarageBand...
There’s no shortage of choices when it comes to choosing which online distributor to go with when you’re ready to...
Parallel compression is something that we GarageBand for macOS users just don’t have access to. I Heart NY, the debut...
Way back in 2016, IK Multimedia released the iLoud Micro Monitor, a tiny wee studio reference monitor that offered surprisingly...
I make music in a tiny wee broom cupboard that would make even Edd the Duck feel claustrophobic. So finding...
A decade ago I reviewed the original iRig HD. Since then IK Multimedia have released a second revision of the...