Comeback Kid is the latest plugin from now LA based effect aficionados Baby Audio – the same Baby Audio who created my favourite plugin of 2019, I Heart NY.
You can check out my review of that by clicking here.
You’re not short of options when it comes to adding a touch of Delay to your GarageBand projects, with Apple providing several good (if not great) delay options with the DAW’s suite of stock effects.
Comeback Kid is light years ahead of GarageBand’s stock offerings.
Comeback Kid is a delay plugin with a difference.
Packed with all the controls you need to craft some killer sounds, Comeback Kid is definitely an impressive package, but should you consider adding it to your GarageBand plugin arsenal?
Watch my in-depth review in the video below.
“If you prefer to get your hands dirty and sculpt your sounds from scratch, Comeback Kid’s suite of controls makes it really easy.”
Ok, ok, I know that looks don’t matter, it’s whats inside that counts but this GUI looks great.
Baby Audio’s attention to detail when it comes to the design of their plugins is second to none and everything here from the skeuomorphic design of the knobs and buttons to the overall layout of the controls is absolutely spot on.
Speaking of those controls, you have a lot to tinker with.
There are 15 knobs and 4 switches spread over 5 main sections, but don’t dispair if that leaves you feeling a little overwhelmed.
Baby Audio don’t usually ship their plugins with Presets, but they have made an exception here.
That’s a good thing as the presets on offer are a great way to immediately get an idea of what Comeback Kid is capable of.
“Not only does Comeback Kid wow with its distinctive and quirky controls, it also does the basics really really well too…”
If you prefer to get your hands dirty and sculpt your sound from scratch, Comeback Kid’s suite of controls makes it really easy.
There is an almost limitless amount of variation to the effects you can add to your sounds. In particular, the Cheap, Tape, Destiny switch and Ducker controls can really add some unique effects.
So Comeback Kid – no doubt it’s a fantastic delay plugin with some really eccentric, unique and usable tricks up its sleeve, but is it worth parting with your hard earned cash?
I think so. Not only does Comeback Kid wow with its distinctive and quirky controls, it also does the basics really really well too. So much so in fact, that it’s become my go to delay plugin and there’s a good chance that if you pick it up, it’ll become yours too.
Comeback Kid is available from Baby Audio’s website. There is also a demo available if you want to try before you buy.