Released simultaneously in both GarageBand for iOS and Logic Pro for iPad, The all new Hardwell Producer Pack is the latest EDM flavoured collection of samples, sounds and patches to be added to your Sound Library.
Hard hitting EDM is the name of the game here and if you have even the most passing interest in creating electronic music then I think you’ll really like what’s on offer.
Best known for his stadium filling techno house bangers, Hardwell has packed this release with all manner of electronic beats, synths and baselines.
In the Hardwell GarageBand Sound Pack Update you’ll get access to:
- 400+ Apple Loops
- 5 Drum Kits
- 40+ Alchemy Synth Patches
- 1 Live Loops Grid

To grab this new GarageBand Sound Pack Update, make your way to the Sound Library, tap on the Hardwell Producer Pack (it’ll be on the top row) then either preview it or hit GET to add it to your Sound Library.