GarageBand Update 10.4.9 has landed and while the App Store description says this is a “stability and bug fix” update, there’s actually a lot more to it than that…
Full details in the video below!
Full GarageBand 10.4.9 Release Notes

Stability and reliability
- Fixes an issue where GarageBand could quit unexpectedly when opening Learn to Play lessons or Chord Trainer.
- Improves stability when using VoiceOver with GarageBand.
- All plug-ins are now accessible when opened in Controls View.
- Controls view is now available for the Amp Designer and Bass Amp Designer plug-ins, allowing for Voice Over control of these two plug-ins.
- The Harmonics knob in the Vintage B3 instrument now continues to work after changing to a different patch.
- Plug-ins now reliably open in Controls View when the “Open plug-ins in Controls view by default” setting is enabled.
Flex Time
- The Show/Hide Flex button no longer disables Flex mode.
- Follow Mode for Drummer now works with tracks that contain Takes.
- Resolves an issue where creating automation at the top or bottom edge of the Master Track with the Pencil tool could result in unexpected automation points being created
Sharing and export
- Exported songs now include the minute the file was created in the file name.
Logic Remote
- GarageBand no longer reopens the Save window each time a song is saved using Logic Remote
- Fixes an issue where clicking on a template in the New Project panel could cause the view to unexpectedly scroll to the bottom.
- Switching the Audio output device no longer also switches the Audio input device.
- Downloading a Learn to Play Lesson no longer interrupts another in-progress lesson download.
- The Keyboard Sensitivity slider now retains its value when switching between tracks.