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release your music

The EASY Way to Release Your Music on All Platforms

If you want to release your music onto Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Tik Tok etc, but aren’t sure where to start this article is for you!

In it I share what I think is the easiest to use online music distributor. I also take you through the process step by step as I release one of my own tracks using them!

To get your music onto streaming platforms, you’re going to need an online music distributor.

That’s a company that you can upload your completed music files, artwork and artist info to, who will then get those files onto the specific streaming services you specify.

They’ll then collect any royalties from plays of your music on those streaming services and pay you either a cut of those royalties or all of them.

Who To Use?

There are a lot of different distributors out there. Some will distribute your music for free (albeit very slowly). They’ll also take a 15-25% percent cut of any royalties you make.

Some will charge you a flat fee per single or album release. 

The distributor that I recommend DistroKid charge a single fee per year (as little as $19.99) and you can release as many songs, singles, EPs or albums as you like. There’s no cap to the amount of music you can release. 

I’ve been using DistroKid to release my own music under the pseudonym Wiredrawn since 2017 and i’ve been using them that long for one very simple reason.

They make releasing music really easy.

I’m a musician, not a tech expert, not a lawyer. I just want to get my music from my computer onto streaming services. And DistroKid make the process easier and more straightforward than any other distributor I’ve ever come across. 

So if you just want a straightforward answer to how to release your music – there you go.

DistroKid is the way to go andyou can even save 7% on your yearly plan by joining using my unique link: