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New GarageBand

Top 5 Things YOU Want in GarageBand

There’s no denying it; when first released, GarageBand on Mac was a limited, barebones program. While beginner friendly, it lacked any real killer features to keep users from moving onto bigger and better DAWs.

GarageBand for iOS was much the same; while the introduction of touch instruments was certainly revolutionary, the ability to only record 8 tracks on most devices at launch made anything but the most rudimentary of musical rough sketches impossible.

Fast forward to present day however and it’s a completely different story.

GarageBand for macOS is not only now free of charge, it boasts many of the same features of Apple’s ‘pro’ DAW, Logic X while remaining extremely accessible to beginners and seasoned pros alike.

GarageBand for iOS has morphed into an mobile music powerhouse, touting industry leading features like the Beat Sequencer, Live Loops and the ever expanding Sound Library.

As good as we GarageBand users have it nowadays, there’s always room for improvement. What features could be added to the macOS and iOS versions of GarageBand though?

I asked that very question to the GarageBand Guide community recently. Across Facebook, Twitter and Reddit, the response was massive and it’s clear that you guys know exactly what you want to see added to both versions of GarageBand in the future.


In the video below, I cover the top 5 new things that YOU want to see in GarageBand. I also share whether I think it’s likely that we’ll see these ideas added at some point.



What do you think? What new features would you like to see added to a new GarageBand on macOS/iOS? Share your thoughts in the comments section, or come join the conversation on Facebook or Twitter.

Show Comments (10)
  1. Maybe it is possible already, but I cannot work out how to record in ¾ time. In addition, would love to be able to get a reggae beat on the drums, with the snare on the third beat of a 4/4 beat.

  2. I use garageband on my macbook to play guitar, using one or more presets, one on each line, a backing track on another line and a voice on another line.
    What I would like you to add, is a facility to be able to transfer from one guitar preset to another, without having to enable one and disable the other.
    I’m a fan of the music of The Shadows group.
    One important advantage that garageband has over other DAWs, is being able to observe at the same time the tablature and lyrics of the song, keeping in view the guitar presets and the backing track.
    Roberto Muñoz

  3. Need to be able to change time signatures. When I imported a song with multiple time signatures from Master Trax, Garage band kept them. So it can be done.

  4. Hi, you can actually get the full Alchemy Synth for around $30 by purchasing MainStage 3 from the Apple store. I did this before I bought Logic. I used MainStage as a way to sample all my synths in to the Mac. It also lets you build and create your own alchemy synth patches which you can use in garage band as well as any other synth you sample in.

  5. I would like to be able to play the music at a slower speed. I know there are ways of doing it but I don’t find them very successful. I would like an easy way to change the speed for learning purposes.

  6. I would like to see MIDI output capability added to GarageBand. It’s not much use to be able to record the MIDI data from a hardware synthesizer if you can’t play it back to the same synth. This seems like a pretty basic function that is still missing from GarageBand.

  7. I’d like to see two things:

    1- Better more simple quick drum patterns like ‘Rim Click’/Hi hat beats in a bar for quick ideas without having to scroll through loops or edit one of the drummers

    2- Unless I’ve missed something would like to see tuning flexibility to tune both your keyboard
    controller and guitars from 430 in between like 432, 436 438 and of course standard tuning 440, all clearly visible. Same for Tempo instead of that silly line you have to drag!

  8. Batch export. Not sure that is the right term. I use gband to capture rough ideas. The problem is, I have hundreds of little one track song sketches. I would love to instantly covert them ALL to mp3s or wavs to export and later burn to a cd. But I can find no way to do this.

    Every method I’ve seen to get a song out of gb is slow, involves many steps, and applies to just one song at a time.

    I’ve gotten to the point that I have simply played a go song thru a speaker, and recorded that into a daw. Pretty sorry workaround……

    Maybe I am missing something? Any suggestions appreciated.

  9. Thanks for your work Patrick.! Far as being a songwriter I don’t really need too many more bells and whistles on GB. Getting a good EQ and compression in the mix is where it is at-so other artists can run with your songs, At 66 i don’t want many road trips scheduled.. Wally

  10. Bring back automation button. Easier access to sound effects and foley. Put merge or create takes on main lcd

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